Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Works Cited
Copyright © 2008 Honolulu Zoo  http://www.honoluluzoo.org/white_rhinoceros.htm


 http://animals.nationalgeographic.com/animals/mammals/white-rhinoceros/   by James P. Blair

©2012 About.com. By  http://animals.about.com/b/2003/05/04/poaching-poses-grave-threat-to-northern-white-rhinos.htm

The white rihno is endangerd due to poaching.  The white rhino's horn is a prized possesion to poachers. Poachers are killing them off and just taking the horns leaving the rest of the animla to rot in the wild. If poaching doesnt stop the white rhino will go exctinct. The are two populations of the white rhino, the northern and southern. There are 0 northern whit rhinos remaining in the wild today. There are 7 left in a wildlife sanctuary. For the southern white rhino there are just over 20000 left in the wild today. there isnt much you can do to stop poachers, but increased watching and guarding of the animals will catch more poacher more often.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Role in Ecosystem
The white rhino is a giant herbivore. Along with the white rhino there are many other organisms it lives with. The zebra, giraffe, elephant, lion, cheeta, waterbuck, water buffalo, and wild dogs are just some of the animals the white rhino live with.
Females reach sexual maturity at 6 years of age, males reach sexual maturity at 10 years of age. The male stays until  the female acts aggressively and will give out a call when approaching her. The male blocks the way of the female while wailing loudly if the she tries to leave his territory. When ready to mate the female curls her tail and gets into a stiff stance during the half hour period. The pair will stay together for about 10 days  before they part different ways. Gestation occurs around 16–18 months. A single calf is born and usually weighs about 140 pounds.
White rhino are roughage grazers. They feed mainly on short, sweet,  grasses and do not ruminate because they are monogastric meaning one stomached. White rhinos are very dependent on water and can intake up to 13 gallons of water a day.
White rhinoceros live in the biome of Africa’s dry savanna woodlands and grasslands. White rhinos require thick bush cover, flat terrain, water for drinking and wallowing, and short grass for grazing. They inhabit grassy savanna and woodlands with grassy clearings. White rhinos can be found in the countries of South Africa, Namibia, Zimbabwe, and Kenya.
Ceratotherium simum or (White Rhinoceros)
C. simum
The white rhinoceros is the largest of the five species of rhinoceros and the world's largest land mammal after the elephant. It has a massive body and head, a short neck and broad chest. It can grow to be 13 feet in length and up to 6.5 feet tall. they typically weigh around 4000 pounds but the largest recorded weight was a massive 9900 pounds. They have two distinct horns on their head the longest of the two can reach to be almost 59 inches. Its body color ranges from a yellowish brown to slate grey. its has a skin integumentary system with an endosketeton.